Gemeinsam sind wir stark

In einer Welt, die vor Herausforderungen steht, haben wir bei Mission Positivity eine klare Vision: Wir wollen zeigen, was durch Zusammenhalt und Entschlossenheit möglich ist. Als gemeinnütziger Verein setzen wir uns dafür ein, Menschen in Not zu unterstützen, die Bildung von Kindern und Jugendlichen zu fördern und eine Welt zu schaffen, in der jeder Mensch selbstbestimmt und nachhaltig seine Zukunft gestalten kann. Begleitet uns auf dieser Mission und lasst uns gemeinsam nachhaltige positive Veränderungen bewirken.


Unsere Förderer

Werde Förderer

Möchtest du die Welt positiv verändern?

Werde Förderer bei Mission Positivity und hilf uns, nachhaltige Veränderungen zu bewirken. Wir glauben an die Stärke der Gemeinschaft und daran, dass deine Ideen einen echten Unterschied machen können. Nimm Kontakt mit uns auf, und lass uns gemeinsam innovative Wege finden, um unsere Ziele zu erreichen. Dein Engagement zählt!

Jetzt helfen!

Unsere neuesten Instagram Highlights

Meet @celinebohr , Co-Founder and first chairwoman of Mission Positivity ☺️

If you have any questions for Celine, ask away in the comments or via DM👇🏼

📹by @fabianburgard 
Edited by @veragiulia_ 

#charity #ngo #missionpositivity #hilfsorganisation #dogood #helpothers #dogood #verein #cofounder #firstchairwoman #charitywork #meettheteam #team
Meet @celinebohr , Co-Founder and first chairwoman of Mission Positivity ☺️ If you have any questions for Celine, ask away in the comments or via DM👇🏼 📹by @fabianburgard Edited by @veragiulia_ #charity #ngo #missionpositivity #hilfsorganisation #dogood #helpothers #dogood #verein #cofounder #firstchairwoman #charitywork #meettheteam #team
Meet @haanna_me - co founder and second chairwoman 🥰 

If you have questions for Hanna, ask away 👇🏼🫶🏼

Videos by @fabianburgard 
Edited by @veragiulia_ 

#charity #ngo #missionpositivity #hilfsorganisation #dogood #verein #helpothers #koblenz #meettheteam #team #cofounder #charitywork
Meet @haanna_me - co founder and second chairwoman 🥰 If you have questions for Hanna, ask away 👇🏼🫶🏼 Videos by @fabianburgard Edited by @veragiulia_ #charity #ngo #missionpositivity #hilfsorganisation #dogood #verein #helpothers #koblenz #meettheteam #team #cofounder #charitywork
Meet @juliamerkelbach - co founder and over all a very important member of Mission Positivity 🥰

If you have questions for Julia, ask away👇🏼🫶🏼

Videos by @fabianburgard 
Edited by @veragiulia_ 

#charity #ngo #missionpositivity #hilfsorganisation #dogood #verein #meettheteam #team #member
Meet @juliamerkelbach - co founder and over all a very important member of Mission Positivity 🥰 If you have questions for Julia, ask away👇🏼🫶🏼 Videos by @fabianburgard Edited by @veragiulia_ #charity #ngo #missionpositivity #hilfsorganisation #dogood #verein #meettheteam #team #member
Two weeks have passed since our Care4her Event in Koblenz, and we wanted to take a moment to reflect and thank our sponsors and the wonderful people who visited our booth 💛

For the event, we produced over 200 bags filled with products that support women’s health and well-being. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, we were able to include items like tampons, condoms, menstrual cups, cycle tea, and more. We also provided information materials and invitations to workshops on meditation, yoga, self-defense, and inner strength. 

A huge thank you to everyone who visited our booth and made the day so special! 🫶🏼It was fun connecting with you and hear your experiences. We could feel how important topics like women’s health, safety, and care are to many of you, and the desire to talk about them more often.

Only through open conversations can we break taboos and prevent people from feeling isolated with their concerns 💛

#missionpositivity #charity #ngo #care4her #koblenz #visitkoblenz #aktionstag #hilfsorganisation #help #women #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #female #safety
Two weeks have passed since our Care4her Event in Koblenz, and we wanted to take a moment to reflect and thank our sponsors and the wonderful people who visited our booth 💛 For the event, we produced over 200 bags filled with products that support women’s health and well-being. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, we were able to include items like tampons, condoms, menstrual cups, cycle tea, and more. We also provided information materials and invitations to workshops on meditation, yoga, self-defense, and inner strength. A huge thank you to everyone who visited our booth and made the day so special! 🫶🏼It was fun connecting with you and hear your experiences. We could feel how important topics like women’s health, safety, and care are to many of you, and the desire to talk about them more often. Only through open conversations can we break taboos and prevent people from feeling isolated with their concerns 💛 #missionpositivity #charity #ngo #care4her #koblenz #visitkoblenz #aktionstag #hilfsorganisation #help #women #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #female #safety

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